Just a few minutes from your luxury residence near Geneva, come and discover the VITAM leisure center in Neydens. Featuring an impressive 4500 m² indoor water park, a variety of stores, sports facilities including dedicated halls and squash courts, as well as an indoor play area, this leisure complex opens its doors to you every day of the year.

Sport, fun and relaxation… at the VITAM leisure complex just a stone’s throw from the Résidence Les Cerisiers in Neydens.

Complexe aquatique au centre de Loisirs VITAM près d'Annecy en Haute-Savoie.

Visit VITAM aquatic leisure center is a must-see destination for families. This vast complex offers an unprecedented aquatic experience. Indoor and outdoor slides guarantee fun and thrills for all ages. Children will love the paddling pool, while adults will enjoy the lap pool. The balneo area is open all year round, where you can relax in the flowing river or on the bubble beds.

During your stay in Haute-Savoie, treat yourself to a visit to the Santa’s Hamlet and the Cirque du Fer-à-cheval.